poniedziałek, 15 czerwca 2020

Język angielski!!!!

15.06 – 19.06
A sailor went to sea”
  1. Dziś nauczycie się piosenki o żeglarzu, który spotyka różne morskie stworzenia.
Będą to:
A seahorse – konik morski,
An octopus – ośmiornica,
A turtle – żółw,
A jellyfish – meduza,
A whale –wieloryb,
A shark - rekin

Karty obrazkowe znajdują w zał. 1.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nFxAiWkSePk Posłuchaj piosenkę i spróbuj ją


A sailor went to sea sea sea
to see what she could see see see.
But all that she could see see see
was the bottom of the deep blue sea sea sea.
A seahorse!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
to see what she could see see see.
But all that she could see see see
was a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea.
A jellyfish!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
to see what she could see see see.
But all that she could see see see
was a jellyfish swimming and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea.
A turtle!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
to see what she could see see see.
But all that she could see see see
was a turtle swimming, and a jellyfish swimming, and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea.
An octopus!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
to see what she could see see see.
But all that she could see see see
was an octopus swimming, and a turtle swimming, and a jellyfish swimming, and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea.
A baby shark!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
to see what she could see see see.
But all that she could see see see
was a baby shark swimming, and an octopus swimming, and a turtle swimming, and a jellyfish swimming, and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea.
A blue whale!
A sailor went to sea sea sea
to see what she could see see see.
But all that she could see see see
was a blue whale swimming, and a baby shark swimming, and an octopus swimming, and a turtle swimming, and a jellyfish swimming, and a seahorse swimming in the sea sea sea.

  1. Wykonaj karty pracy.

Zał. 2 Policz morskie stworzenia.
Zał. 3. Powiedz jakie będzie następne zwierzątko
Zał. 4 Namaluj po śladzie

Teacher, teacher, look at this!”

Kontynuujemy temat związany z przyborami szkolnymi. Dziś posłuchasz rymowanki
  1. Przypomnij sobie słówka oglądając krótki filmik.

Zał. 5
  1. Zad. 1. Popatrz na prace dzieci na ilustracji oraz przybory szkolne znajdujące się pod każdą pracą. Spróbuj nazwać przybory.
Listen and circle. (Posłuchaj i zakreśl). Wysłuchaj nagrania i zakreśl wśród przyborów pod daną pracą te, które są potrzebne do jej wykonania. (nagranie 2.56)


  1. Can I have some scissors and some glue, please?
  2. Can I have a pencil, please?
  3. Can I have a red coloured pencil and a red marker, please?

  1. Zad.2 . What school objects can you see? (Jakie przybory szkolne widzisz?). Spróbuj je nazwać.
Popatrz na Colina. Colin wants to draw a … school (Colin chce namalować…. szkołę). What objects does he ask his teacher for? (O jakie przedmioty prosi nauczyciela?). Listen and match. ( Posłuchaj i dopasuj.) Twoim zadaniem jest posłuchać, o jakie przybory prosi Colin, i połączyć je z odpowiednimi etapami tworzenia pracy plastycznej. (nagranie 2.57)


Teacher, teacher, look at this!
Can I have a pencil, please?

Teacher, teacher, look at this!
Can I have some coloured pencils, please?

Teacher, teacher, look at this!
Can I have some markers, please?

Teacher, teacher, look at this!
Can I have some scissors, please?

Teacher, teacher, look at this!
Can I have some glue, please?

Teacher, teacher, look at this!
Do you like my picture?
Oh, yes!

Odtwórz nagranie ponownie i zachęć dzieci, aby mówiły rymowankę i wskazywały odpowiednie przybory w podręczniku.



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